Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Paradoxes of Our Time

We live in turbulent times. The new normal? Discontinuity. Much disruption and uncertainty surrounds our daily lives. Chaos sows confusion, mistrust, divisions, and zero sum actions. One of the emerging norms is quite troublesome: you are either with me or you are against me. There seems to be no middle grounds, no give and take, no win-win, just win-lose. If I cannot win, neither should you (lose-lose).

How did we get here?

It has been said that you have to work very hard to destroy a great but imperfect country. We have been engaged in self-destructive practices for some time. Some critical observations follow.

It all started in my view with radicals spitting on our returning veterans from Viet Nam: men and women who risked their lives when called by their country to wage what turned out to be an unpopular and poorly executed war. The flag, a symbol of national unity to many, was desecrated and used as a foil for humiliation.

Feminists followed. I recall how leaders of the NOW movement exhorted their followers to abandon their families and join communes where excesses were not only permitted, but encouraged.  Women were pitted against men. Men were labeled toxic, ridiculed and shamed. It was the beginning of identity politics.

In the attempt to make the political tent bigger politicians encouraged fringe groups to join in. Unable to articulate a cohesive political platform, both parties chose to fit as many groups in as possible.

To rationalize this decision, identity politics became a weapon of choice. Soon, divisions began to surface: Blacks against Whites, women against men, nativists against immigrants, young against elders, the poor against the wealthy, highly educated against lesser educated, Judeo-Christians against Muslims, the extreme left against the hard right, suburban versus rural, and pro-abortion versus pro-life. Just to name a few!

We have reached a low level of civility. Folks are pilloried daily by those opposed to their political views. Deranged people on both sides of the isle, more often than we would like to acknowledge, resort to violent means to get their viewpoint across. 

State and local officials proudly refuse to enforce federal laws with which they disagree. Collaboration between State, Local and Federal authorities is shunned principally along the Coastal States. We seem to have found our enemy. It is we!

Stifling Dialog

If you criticize a person of color, regardless of his/her ineptness, crookedness, immoral behavior, and ignorance, you will be accused of being a racist. On the other hand, you are free to pillory a White person. In fact, you can do so willy-nilly without proof or consequences.

If you criticize an inept, crooked, immoral, or ignorant LGBTQ person, you will be accused of homophobia, possibly unsure of your own sexuality, or worse yet for being an intolerant and backward SOB.

If you refer to undocumented immigrants by using the term illegal alien, you are reprimanded for hating Brown people or for being xenophobic. The reason? No human is illegal, undocumented or sin papeles immigrants yes, even though they are breaking our laws and forcing their way in.

God forbid a man should criticize a woman for being inept, crooked, immoral, or ignorant, you will be charged with misogyny – you know, a man who hates women. Surely his masculinity therefore needs to be purged and he will be ridiculed as being Neanderthal.

Digging Deeper

Much controversy surrounds one of our cherished rights: freedom of speech. If you openly disagree with the position of either the far-left or the far-right, you will be accused of engaging in hate speech.

What seems to define hate speech is any notion, viewpoint or concept that one side sees as opposed to their side. You will be labeled a fascist on the right and a communist or socialist on the left. Those on the right should not be permitted to speak in our campuses or on television. They must be silenced so that they cannot offend our tolerant sensitivities. Violence against them is excused off as a provocation.

The left is adamant that this country has never been great. Slavery, denied access, exploitation of workers, and other sins have been committed in the past that disqualify the nation from greatness. Someone wearing a Trump button, or God forbid, a MAGA hat, unleashes a torrent of anger, profanities, and violent response. Is it not good for everyone if our country does better?

The current economy is booming, more people are working, wages after a long dry spell are experiencing a real increase. Minorities are benefitting. Is this not a win-win outcome?

Diversity is celebrated. People on the left tend to define it in terms of color, sexual preference, gender, national origin, young and old, natives and immigrants. Some suggest that diversity of ideas should be encouraged, not just people’s background. Better ideas can come from anyone regardless of group or identity.

Inclusion by all is to be championed but in the end performance should count. Access should be non-discriminatory. Although we are all equal, not all of us perform equally. Some folks work harder than others. Some are brighter than others.

It is a shame that universities rig admissions to let the rich, the alumni’s descendants, and the “recommended” enter while excluding worthy candidates. It is a crime in my view to keep some Asians out because there are too many of them in the rolls. Letting some of the disadvantaged or the rich in should not be done at the expense of deserving applicants.


Morris Fiorina, a political scientist at Stanford University, commented on the recent incident in Palo Alto that has received national publicity. A weird-looking local lady attacked an elder man wearing a MAGA hat at a local coffee shop and railed that he not wear it in “her” town and lambasted him with profanities and epithets.

According to Gallup about two in five Americans identify as independents. Those people who resort to extreme reactions, like this crazed lady in Palo Alto, Fiorina explains results form “the more involved a person is in politics, the more distorted is his or her views of the opposite side of the political spectrum. Her image of Trump voters is that they are all racists, bigots, and Bible thumpers – all of these perceptions that come from watching MSNBC and CNN. The more liberal or conservative you are, the less accurate portrayal you have.”

Fiorina continues … “adding to the extremism of American politics today is the idea among those deeply invested in politics that you have to prove just how serious you are about your beliefs. They basically do things to make sure they prove how serious they are by exaggerating their points of view and taking them to the extreme.”

In a 2018 blog I commented on the subject of Compulsive Opposition.  Compulsion often triggers neurosis. I am told that there are no cures for neurosis; it is a chronic disease. We have witnessed the reaction by some loyal supporters to Clinton’s defeat by Trump. They just cannot accept that fact. Something sinister is to be blamed. Two years later, court challenges and a special counsel’s investigation have yielded no solid proof, yet many insist that there is all kind of proof. There is only one answer for them: He did it!

Irreparable harm has been done to our Republic! We have better things to do that beat a dying dog, so to speak. We have important issues to solve and unfinished business to address.

Let’s get on with it!

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